Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Life of a Curly

I was procrastinating on Buzzfeed yesterday and saw this post and just had to share! I think a lot of it will right true with you guys.  I'm off to search the internet for those "Don't Touch My Hair" earrings!

Today's Tidbits:
I'm going to start adding a little section to the end of some posts called Today's Tidbits. I'm just going to post some things that I've been up to or things that are on my mind that have nothing to do with the post topic.
  • I got a new perfume for an early Valentine's gift that I'm loving! It's Gucci II and it's my new favorite. It smells spicy yet fruity with some subtle florals like jasmine. Heavenly!
  • Don't worry, the My Hair Routine posts will continue. Up next is my Honorable Mention products and then I'm going to do a post about styling tools (towels, brushes combs, dryer, diffuser, etc!)
  • My apartment dryer has a timer on it that is supposed to be accurate, but it always reaches a point where it is supposed to be done but detects that the clothes are still damp so it keeps going and going. I swear the dryer has been running for around an hour and a half when it originally said it would be done in 56 minutes. Normally I wouldn't care, but I told myself I would wait until the clothes were done to eat lunch. I mean, I've made it this far. I may as well uphold the commitment right?